Thursday, July 1, 2010

Move aside, let the WOMEN come through

I love that more women are drinking beer.  I don't know why more women don't.  The whole, "I don't like how it tastes" seems like a cop out.  I mean, everyone says that when they first taste beer because I can pretty much guarantee that the first beer most people try is crappy beer!  I truly believe that this is more of a societal or sociological issue rather than an issue of taste.  Check out this awesome article - it seems perhaps us women are made to be beer tasters (although I take issue with the fact that there was specific reference to going into the secretarial pool to find's a shame that there aren't more women in other parts of the company and that the secretarial field (which, incidentally used to be solely a man's profession) is still dominated by women).  Oh yeah, and Carlos, 22, from are clearly a chauvinist (who, its worth noting, is drinking a sub-par, and dare I say "girly," beer).
No Glass Ceiling for Beer Tasters

There is also a regular feature in the Great Lakes Brewing News that is written by a woman called "Beer Beacon."  Every issue she and a panel of women taste samples of types of beers and rate them.  The most recent issue was about Wheat and Fruit beers.  Beer Diva, if you read this, I want to be on your panel!
Beer Beacon online

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