Thursday, September 9, 2010

These boots are made for brewing

More about women in brewing:

Women in Beer Series

I love that she wears pink rubber boots and has started a whole movement. 

Also, this Beer Sessions site is one that my sister-in-law brought to my attention.  It's a great site full with immense amounts of information - I've recently friended it on Facebook, which is how the aforementioned article came to my attention.

For those of you wondering why we haven't reviewed any more breweries lately, my only answer is because we've been lazy.  And now I hit the road for some work related travel.  I promise, more Michigan Brewery reviews to come (many are old, but a few have been freshly checked off the list).

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dear Miller Brewing

This is a quite humorous letter exchange.  Real or not, it's funny.

Letter to Miller